Impact Therapy: Putting Theories Into Practice Digital Download


This program, recorded live in Morgantown, West Virginia, focuses on the use of six counseling theories. Although the audience is school counselors, any counselor who wants to increase his or her use of counseling theories in creative ways will learn from this two and half hour DVD. Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Schimmel first present an overview of Impact Therapy and then briefly present tenets of Adlerian theory followed by two demonstrations showing how Adlerian counseling can be used with children and parents. Next they show the use of WDEP from Reality Therapy followed by a discussion of the Transtheoretical Model that incorporates the Stages of Change. After a brief discussion of REBT, the presenters, using a whiteboard, show two powerful, creative uses of REBT with children—one dealing with divorce and one with test anxiety. The workshop ends with two demonstrations showing the use of extra chairs with Transactional Analysis—one with an adolescent and one with a teacher.

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