Ed Jacobs, Ph.D. is a professor in the Counseling, Counseling Psychology, and Rehabilitation Department at West Virginia University, where he has taught for more than 30 years. He currently is serving as the coordinator of the master’s program in counseling at West Virginia University. He also is the founder and director of Impact Therapy Associates which offers private counseling and 25-30 presentations a year. Presentations are often 1-2 day workshops, 1-3 hour programs at national or state conferences, or keynote addresses to state conferences or large organizations. Dr. Jacobs was a national presenter for the American Counseling Association.
Dr. Jacobs has written six books: Impact Therapy: The Courage to Counsel, Impact Therapy, Creative Counseling: An Illustrated Guide, Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills, Group Counseling in Correctional Settings, and How to Select and Apply Change Strategies in Groups. He completed his undergraduate and master’s work in psychology at the University of Texas in Austin and his doctoral work in counselor education at Florida State University in Tallahassee. He currently teaches graduate courses in counseling techniques, counseling theories, group counseling, addiction counseling, crisis counseling, and grief counseling. Dr. Jacobs also supervises students who are in practicum and internship. In the past, he has taught marriage and family counseling, counseling regarding sexual issues, advanced techniques, and adolescent and adult counseling.
Dr. Jacobs has served as an ongoing consultant with different school districts and drug and alcohol agencies. In the summers, for a change in scenery, he often teaches at other universities in the United States. Dr. Jacobs also spends considerable time mentoring and working with the associates who are offering Impact Therapy throughout North America.
Dr. Jacobs was selected as a Fellow in the Association for Specialists in Group Work and also received in 2003, the Professional Development award from that association.